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跨視代科技(Hyper Immersion Technology Taiwan Co., Ltd.)成立於2014年,由一群對於立體影像有非凡熱情的創業家所成立。前身為財團法人工業技術研究院 電子與光電研究所團隊,於國內深耕立體影視及虛擬實境技術十餘年。現成立跨視代科技,期能將虛擬實境互動科技帶入每個家庭當中。

跨視代科技專注於VR 360全景影片拍攝服務,並提供獨家VR Live直播技術服務,任何精彩瞬間、感動時刻,用跨視代最高品質的VR 360影片為您記錄生命的美好時刻! 

Hyper Immersion Technology Taiwan Co. Ltd. was founded in 2014 by a group of entrepreneurs with great enthusiasm for stereoscopic 3D imaging and virtual reality images. Formerly known as the Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI), Electronics and Optoelectronics Research Labs. We consistently develop the 3D related technique for years and now aim at applying this virtual reality(VR) interactive technology to every single family.

Hyper Immersion Technology focus on VR 360 video production technology, and also provide unique VR live stream service. Let HIT’s highest quality VR videos record best moments of life for you!

共 同 創 辦 人​____________

Chaody Chen


Richman Hsiao

Marketing Director 

Jason Cheng

Sales Director

Griffin Lin

Product Director

合 作 夥 伴​_________

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